Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Spring Time

Hey All,

Hope everyone is doing great.. I was till daylight Savings ended :(
Haven't been up to much just staying busy. Shout out to Vanassa @ Vans Doll Treasures. You have been on my mind hope all well with you!  I have been working on a couple of projects the first one is Equestria  pony girls. I don't to much care for the dolls themselves but my girls love them. I remember My little pony it's not what it is today though with all this high tech computer stuff. But they definitely preach a good message "Friendship is Magic". Anywho I began my quest to crochet Twilight Sparkle and this is what she looks like

I like how she came out she needs some finishing touches though. I also have been working on some ethnic T shirts for my dollies. Here is one of her shirts with som pants I crocheted for her

Hope everyone has a great week almost hump day !!