Friday, April 6, 2012

New Do for Mulan

So as I was saying In my last post is I had went to the goodwill and picked up two dolls well I finally did one ! Here is use to be Mulan , I have not named her with a new name just haven't thought of a good one. Her hair reroot was very trying yet fun to see her transform. I used some human hair I had left over from some hair I had used before. It was very trying I do admit I kept boiling water and thinking to treat it like doll hair. I eventully just curled with a barreled curling iron and took it from there. here's one of her pic after the install....

Sorry the pictures crappy my camera started acting up:(

And here's her after styling and a little acrylic paint. I love practicing on the cheap dolls it's really fun and very time consuming LOL.